Tuesday, 27 July 2021
ESOL Trip Planning
Wednesday, 23 June 2021
Film Technique Practice | Inception
The Final Kick Scene
- A character kneeled in front of an old guy and cries.
- An old man died
- A person pressed a button and and explosion happened.
- Earthquake came and buildings getting destroyed by strong winds.
- People suddenly waking up when they are about to fall the water or hit something.
Color - white, blue, grey, orange because of fire
Lighting - cold, melancholy, analogous, dim, make audience feel tense
Sounds/music: slow violin playing, bombs going off, buildings cracking, after the bombs bomb tense music starts playing, shouting people because they can't hear each other, water splash
The sound suddenly stopped when the people falls of the water
Shots - close-up, mid shot,
Movement -
slow motion and long shot - can be seen when there are cars falling. / people lying down on the elevator floor while bouncing.
mid shot - between the old man dying and the guy unlocking a box.
sudden close-up to a picture frame of a young man holding the toy that the came from the safe. It tells us that the toy is significant to the old guy and his son.
Statement: In the "Final Kick" scene, slow motion is used when people are starting to fall and
Example: The people are falling out of a car or elevator as they sleep. As they fall, they woke up from their dream and hits reality. S
X-link technique:
Y-your real world connection:
Monday, 21 June 2021
Film Technique Practice - Lord of the Rings
- Four hobbits are hiding under a tree from the Black Rider. They are afraid - see on their faces.
Color - pallete - green, black, grey, dark, natural/nature, dull
- feels cold and uninviting.
Lighting - natural, dim, cold - makes it feel cold and uninviting.
Sound/music - diegetic sounds - horses hooves approaching, bugs crawling, birds, movement of riders armour, sounds of his breathing - little sounds are magnified when we are afraid.
Shots - Focus - tilt shot - from the rider to the hiding hobbits,
Movement - angle - close-ups - hobbit forces - scared, nervous
- bugs - crawling across the hobbits, shows how difficult it was to keep still and quiet.
- Three closeups on parts of the rider - the horses hooves pawing the ground, the horses muzzle with red eye and the riders feet hitting the ground. Builds suspense before we see the rider.
- Low angle - looking up at the rider, shows hobbits cowering below, makes the rider look bigger, intimidating and frightening.
Statement: In the 'Black Rider' scene close-ups used to show the fear of the characters as they hide.
Example: The four hobbits are running from the Black Rider. They seek refuge in under the roots of an old tree as the rider approaches. Close-ups shows us the expression of fear on the hobbits faces.
X-audience - This makes the audience feel intimidated and anxious with the hobbits as the unseen enemy arrives.
X-director - The purpose of this is to build suspense before we see the rider. Like the characters, we are afraid even though we don't know what is coming.
X-link technique - Combined with the close-ups is the use of diegetic sounds including the horses hooves on the ground, the breathing of the rider and the clinking if his armour as he dismounted. These sounds add to the feeling of fear we have seen through the close-up shots.
Y-your real world connection - Interestingly, most viewers have felt the fear of being chased and found before. This allows them to connect with the emotions of the characters in this moment.
Thursday, 17 June 2021
Film Technique Practice
- a fox wants to but a jumbo pop from the elephant store but they won't sell it to him.
- the bunny officer steps in to help.
Color - bright-heartening scene, aimed at children so is colorful and engaging.
Lighting - warm, natural, bright - daytime, hot sunny day, fox/bunny spotlighting
(Shots/angles/focus/movement) - high/low angles-elephant is taller, feels bigger, superior. We aren't meant to like the elephant because he won't serve them-rough angry tone, low angle from Fox POV and High angle down onto fox makes him look small.
Musical/sound - you don't have to if there's nothing.
Statement: In the 'popsical' scene, high angle shots are used to show the imbalance of power between characters.
Evidence: We see this when the elephant is talking to the fox. The low angle shot is used to show how much bigger and more imposing the elephant is than the fox.
X-audience: This makes the audience feel sad for the fox because he is being refused service because of his size.
X-director: The purpose of this is to introduce the idea of stereotyping to the viewer. Appearing large and rough, the elephant shopkeeper refuses service because he is a fox. Strengthening this idea is the elephants quote 'go back to your side of town'.
X-other technique: Combined with the use of low angle shots, we see the differences in the characters, rather than the similarities. The high angle point of view makes the fox seem even smaller than the elephants towering over him.
L-Realword-Link: Issues like this where people are judge on their size, race or religion are not isolated to this film. In the real world we tackle ongoing issues of discrimination in every country, even in 2021.
Avatar Film - Film Technique Practice
- the two were talking. She told him to go away because he didn't belong there.
- the sets of the sacred tree chase him.
Lighting - artificial, bright and dim - plants/things they touched were bright, background was dim, cold)
Color - palette - neons - blue/green/purple
- extremes, show us we are same pole different/exciting.
Camera - tilt shot used to show the seeds - POV shot of Jake, exciting/magical
Shots angles
Movement focus
- conversation - mid shot shows bodies-shows the distance between the characters.
- close-up on seeds, shows ethereal movement, other wordly.
Statement: In the scene "seeds of the sacred" the 'lighting is effectively used to create the other wordly experience of Pandora.
Evidence: An artificial bright light is seen as the figures run and touch things in the environment. The rest of their surroundings remain dark against those flashes of cold neon light.
X-audience - This makes the audience feel amazed and envious of the unnatural and enearthly qualities of the planet,
X-director - The director did this to make viewer feel like they have been transported to another world where end exciting things are possible
X-other technique - Coinciding with this is the use of a neon color palette. The blues, greens and purples become vibrant and otherwordly when combined with the artificial bright lights caused by movement.
Y-your link - The lighting and color are juxtapose to that which we experience in the real world. Like earth, it has plants, trees and native people but they seen vastly different from us because of the bright artificial neon lighting and colors.
Annabelle Film
- a girl fell downstairs.
- the girl was scared and a lot of suspense things happened.
Lighting - dim, artificial,
Thursday, 10 June 2021
English Film Technique Practice - Freedom Writers
Theme/Idea - the ideas the story centres around. / message we are trying to convey to the audience.
Tolerance - the quality of allowing other people to have their own attitude, beliefs or to behave in a particular way, even if you don't agree or approve.
Overcoming Adversity - pushing past/getting through something difficult or dangerous.
Overcoming Adversity
- They aren't in a headspace to learn because they don't feel space - bring guns to school, mock each other, no tolerance for each other.
Example: Marcus "Lady, I'm lucky if I make it to 18, we in a war! We graduating every day we live because we ain't afraid to die protecting our own"
- The students don't respect or have a relationsuup with their teacher. They don't understand each other
They drew racist picture of Jamal
The students yell at the teachers, face different directions, tell her they don't give her respect
Deep Focus - everything in the image is sharp and clear
Close up shot and costume-hat-symbol of hiding, off shows feels safe, on-wants hide, not be seen
Shallow Focus - focuses us on part of an image and blurs the rest. It tells the viewer their attention is needed
In the Holocaust scene, shallow focus is used to show the theme of tolerance. For instance, we see a picture of being passed around the room until it reaches Jamel. The picture is a stereotype of an African American with big lips and has Jamel's name on it. When he receives it, Jamel puts his hat back and shrinks into his chair. Shallow focus is used to bring our attention to the picture and its effect on Jamel. This makes u understand that the picture was used to bully and embarrass Jamel. This director did this to help us empathise with the characters and gain an insight into what their lives are like. Coinciding with this is the use of costume-in this case Jamel's hat. When Jamel puts the hat on, it symbolises that he want to hide away and not be seen. This scene introduces the viewer the viewer to the theme of tolerance because we can see that currently the students do not respect each others cultures, beliefs or identities. This makes students like Jamel feel unsafe in class.
Angle - high/low. This shows power/dominance
Lighting - dim/bright. Shows emotions. Example - Jamel overwhelmed
Close-up/mid shots 0 teacher in mid shot. Students close-up. We feel the distance between the students and the teacher, gap in understanding
Close-up - this makes us feel closer to the students rather than the teacher.
Tolerance means the ability to put up with other beliefs, attitudes and culture, even when you don't agree/its different from your own.
Overcoming Adversity - pushing through something difficult or dangerous.
"I'm home"
Brainstorm - a student read his diary to the teacher and the class.
- his family has been evicted
- he feels at home in school in Ms Gruwells class.
- Overcoming adversity - he has come to school despite being evicted
Music - slow, soft, sad
Lighting/Color - bright, natural - creates an atmosphere of a warm, happy welcome space.
Camera/shot/movement/angles/focus - close up - when he says he's home - shows audience his emotion
Dolly shot - from close-up to mid back to close-up - shows viewer that student is surrounded, supported by his classroom family.
Shallow Focus - speaker is in sharp, those around are blurred to make him the focus, most important.
Dialogue, tone of speech, body language
(when writing the brainstorm, just write what happened in the scene/ no need to be so detailed)
(natural means the natural light, artificial light means like its coming for a bulb)
(muted color)
"Miep Giess"
Brainstorm - Miep Giess has come to talk to the class about hiding Anne Frank and her family.
- Marcus stands and tells that shes his hero.
- Miep Giess says that they are her heroes
Camera shot/angle/movement/focus - (what camera movement they use)
Pan shot - used to show all the students are there and they are all focused and listening - not distracted like previous scenes (when they all turned their desks in the first part of the movie)
Lighting - bright, cold, natural - back lighting is used - creates a halo effect making her seen angelic or god like. This works because the students see Miep like a god because she saved the franks.
Music - subtle quiet, builds in volume and intensity, used to heighten the viewers emotions.
In the 'I am home' scene shallow focus is used to show how this character overcame adversity.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Things to do to relieve pressure and stress | ESOL
Friday, 7 May 2021
Freedom Writers | English
For our English class, my teacher made us watch a movie based on a real life story. The film was called 'Freedom Writers'. This story is about hatred and racism of different colors. What I liked about the film is despite the fact that people are against Ms Gruwell (teacher), she still keeps working hard for her students in order to make them comfortable.
Friday, 9 April 2021
Persuasive Writing Assessment - Why smoking should be ban?
Smoking is detrimental, not only to the body but also to the mind. It can also affect the lives of other people. A recent study from EurekaAlert says years of using tobacco dims the speed and the accuracy of a person’s thinking ability. Smokers know what it can adversely mean for their wellbeing, yet they actually decide to proceed and make it exceptionally hard to stop. The government could implement a smoking ban which will cause a better lifestyle for people, a cleaner environment, and encourage others to not start smoking.
Significant impacts of smoking on the body incorporate cellular breakdown in the lungs, heart infections and strokes. Smoking causes veins to thicken, making the blood coagulate. This can cause blood stream to ultimately stop, which would prompt a stroke and harm veins. Being presented to used secondhand smoke is additionally perilous. It can trigger asthma assaults and can harm the respiratory system of others. To proceed, the government could prevent smoking out in the open spots. This can forestall the strength of non-smokers being at serious risk. This additionally powers the individuals of people who smoke to light a cigarette at home. When smokers can’t smoke out in the public, they won’t be enticed to smoke in the open since they will face the consequences. This will decrease the amount of smoke they take every day and this can likewise help them break their addiction on smoking
Smoking around teens impacts them to smoke too. It affects teens during their developing stages. They feel that smoking will make them look “cool” and that it gives them a feeling of “maturity”. By putting a prohibition on smoking, the young ones won’t be urged to smoke since they would not see anybody smoking. It will likewise make them mindful of their wellbeing and why it is essential to take care of it.
According to Wellplace NZ, typical smokers are likely to spend around $12000 on cigarettes every year. Smokers often say that smoking a cigarette assists them in life and feel more confident. However, is it worth going through cash to purchase cigarettes despite the fact that we realize it will place us in harm? This could also lead families into poverty as they spend their hard-earned money on cigarettes instead of their own necessities like food, garments and so forth. By putting a restriction on smoking, cigarette companies will likewise stop as nobody will purchase their items any longer. Additionally, they will actually want to spend their cash on something that is fundamental.
Smoking moreover harms our present environment. Most of our tobacco is planted in rainforests. Our rainforests are vital to the endurance of our untamed life. They keep ozone harming substances like carbon dioxide and transform them into oxygen. They make reasonable living spaces for endless creatures. Used smoke transmits carbon dioxide, methane and other dangerous synthetics into the air, adding to air contamination. We can see that smoking enormously adds to the world’s environmental change. At the point when the public authority bans smoking, it would be totally trivial if the cultivation of tobacco proceeds. It would enormously affect our current circumstance as unsafe synthetic compounds will diminish. Our trees won’t be cut, rationing our natural life’s territories.
If we want to preserve the world, prompt action is required. If we do not take action promptly, we will risk the lives of the current and future citizens of the world. We will imperil numerous creatures and annihilate our ecosystem. As people on this planet, we need to keep it from getting obliterated. If the production of tobacco increases in the upcoming years, a greater amount of our woods will be chopped down, transformed into ranches. Innumerable lives have been taken because of cigarettes. When the public authority carries out a smoking ban, major developments will be found in individuals’ way of life and in our current living.
Friday, 19 March 2021
11ESOL | The River - Opinion
In Esol, we are reading a book called "The River". We're reading this because we need to improve our reading and speaking skills. Every time we read the book, each students needs to read a part until the teacher tells them to stop. What I like about the book is that it is almost based on a true story even though it is not. We didn't read the hatchet (the prequel of the book) but the teacher made a small summary about the story so that we have enough time to read The River. So far, I have nothing I don't like in the book because it is good.
What I learned in today's lesson is that a thing from the book where a person is in a coma, they can't drink or else if you force them, they'll choke. However, I don't know how coma people drink or maybe I think they put a tube on their mouth and they put the drink on the tube and it goes directly in their stomach.
We were also learning about parallel learning of a essay structure. I already know how to construct an essay properly but what I want to learn is that how to write an essay. I still need to improve my writing because when I write, it's not that formal and the words that I used aren't that deep. What I want to improve is my vocabulary. Knowing more words makes writing easier because you don't have to explain the whole meaning of a word in a sentence.
Friday, 12 March 2021
ESOL - What is the song about? (Eagles - Desperado)
For our ESOL class, we've been acting up on things based on the topic that our teacher gave us. This time, she gave us the topic 'Desperado'. Me and my group tried to think about the scenery and the acting and I think it went alright. Then the next group performed and then the another one. After everyone acted, our teacher played a song called 'Desperado' by Eagles and she told us to blog about what we think the song is about.
I think the song Desperado is about a desperate person trying to get up in life. The lyrics shows how it is trying to ease the person's pain.
Friday, 5 March 2021
Wananga Reflection
This week in school, I have to study which I don't usually do. I studied because we had our first maths assessment on Wednesday morning and Thursday morning. We also have a science test coming up on Monday but the teacher suggested that we can do it on Wednesday. However, I decided not to do it on Wednesday because I don't want to do two test in a day and I don't have enough time to study for it especially the test has a lot of writing and memorising to do. On Thursday, we went to school in mufti according to our house's color which is yellow for my house. We also had our first two periods normal. But around 11 am, athletics day started for those who are in social (not competitive). It was boring to wait for our turn yesterday because each of them have gap for around 30 minutes. But we did some games because doing nothing for 30 minutes would be boring. And then, we ended school normally in Thursday. This Friday, we didn't really do anything, everything is the same as usual. This also went the same on Monday and Thursday.
Friday, 26 February 2021
Wananga Reflection
For our Wananga, we are told to update our Mihi. Things we want to achieve this year. I told them not to get not achieved this year because I need credits specially I'm in year 11 now.
ESOL - Lost In The Mountains
Have you ever thought about getting lost in a mountain during winter? And then plan what things you would do in order to survive. If I’m ever going to be lost in a mountain, the three best items that I would think to bring are axe, lighter, and a tent. I know that you already know that people need heat whenever they get cold. So lighter would be a big help for your survival in the mountain. In order to produce fire, you only need a pile of woods and a cause of fire which is a lighter. You can also cook foods with fire, it makes you warm and the source of light during the night time. The second thing I would bring is an axe, because how can you start a fire without woods. I’ll choose axe instead of a hatchet because I think axe is much safer than a hatchet because I don’t have any idea on how to use axe or hatchet because if I use a hatchet, I might accidentally cut my hand or fingers. You can also use an axe to cut woods and if you’re quite good at hunting, you can hunt animals and eat them. And the last thing that I would bring is a tent. I would bring a tent because I won’t know until when I’m going to be lost. So you can call your tent as your temporary shelter while you’re on the mountains. You can also sleep there every night so you don’t have to worry about the cold breeze or animals that may attack you while you sleep. So in the end, I would bring an axe, tent and a lighter because I think they make the best combination in survival.
Thursday, 11 February 2021
ESOL - Learning About Blogging
For ESOl, we have been told to make a blog post about the strategy that the teacher told us to do. We've been learning about 321 RIQ technique. In this blog, I'm going to write about the strategy the teacher taught us.
3 Recalls - 3 things I remembered about the lesson
2 Insights - 2 new things I learnt in this lesson
1 Question - 1 question I have about something I didn't understand or still want to know more about.
So far, what we've been doing is that we introduce our name in front of everyone. It happened in our first ESOL class. For the second lesson, we've been told to write about ourselves for the teacher to know us better. In the third that, the teacher wasn't that satisfied on how long the paragraphs we made, so she made us some questions and we have to answer them. She told us that we have to right at least 200 words in total. That's what happened in our first 3 ESOL lessons. (3 recalls)
What I also learned in this lesson is that I learned her name and where she came from. She was already teaching students in the other part of New Zealand and just moved here. So, she's been learning on how blogging and the school works. Another thing that I learned is that I now know how to write 200+ words in one hour. It helped me because I also need it for my other subjects as well, not just in ESOL. (2 insights)
What I want to know more about is that what topic are we gonna study about for this year. I'm a little interested to know them.(1 question)