
Thursday, 29 October 2020

'Who Gets What' in the bean to chocolate bar chain

In esol, we're learning about chocolate industry. We get to chose our own roles and we acted as a buyer of cocoas. Our task was to state our group's work. 

Grower of cocoa: Harvest cocoa when it's in good condition to be harvested and sent to the buyers. Physical Labor -Planting, Farming, Harvesting and Packaging. 

Areas of work - Tropical land or acceptable climate conditions in a land

What do you do:

Keep the plants Healthy- Depending on Rainfall the Cacao will need between 1-2 inches of water per week. Don't let it get soggy. Make sure the plants are healthy/ taking care.

Buyer of cocoa:

  • Importing to chocolate makers

  • Pay the producers

  • Working in a pretty cozy place

  • Normal office clothes/delivery clothes

  • Promote the materials

  • Sell to rich producing countries

  • Bring samples of the product

  • Test product

  • Work at least 42 hours a week

  • Look for farms where there are cocoas. 

Producers/growers of other products:

The growers of other products produce and import the other ingredients for the chocolate. Taking care of the ingredients/products is also one of their jobs. They work on a farm, harvest the products and sell the products to the manufacturer and that's how they usually work for 40 hours a week, it's on repeat.

Chocolate Manufacturer:

Manufacturing processes differ slightly due to the different species of cocoa trees, but most factories use similar machines to break down the cocoa beans into cocoa butter. They usually work 40 hours a week and most consumers are in Europe.


  • Profit

  • Retail               

  • Dressed nicely

  • The shop they sell them probably has good air conditioning.

  • Shopkeepers buy from manufacturers

  • Working conditions: depends, if you’re in a poor country selling it or in a rich country.

  • In rich countries or the producer countries.

  • Sells the product at convenience stores.

  • Depends on where the shop is. - Working hours

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