So today, I'm going to tell you what we did on Thursday.
So when Thursday, I have dissected a rat. The rat that I dissected is female and it's not been touched. I have dissected a rat last Monday but it is been touched by a student and she just put it back to the refrigerator to be thrown up. But that is only a practice. So, I have dissected a rat on Thursday and it's pretty fun and mysterious. We have found a letter 'A' at the caucem part of the rat. We have ask a teacher but they said that the rat has a cancer. I'm not actually sure what it is, and we also found a stone like in it's stomach. We just guess that it is a stone because it is pretty hard when we touched it. Dissecting a rat is pretty fun, the rat doesn't smell at all and I don't even know why. I hope I can dissect more animals because I want to see the different parts of their body.
Monday, 26 November 2018
Year 8 Favourite Memory
Most Memorable Thing That I've Done This Year
My most memorable thing that I've ever done this year is the Filipino Salu - Salo. Because every year 7 and 8 Filipino are taking part in this event. It is fun because Filipino are having fun together and there are some people that I talked to for the first time. I love this event because I think this is the most happiest thing I've ever seen in school. But this Filipino Salu - Salo is not just an event, this is also a celebration of Filipino culture. I hope this will happen again, or if it is happen again, I want it to be happier than before.
My most memorable thing that I've ever done this year is the Filipino Salu - Salo. Because every year 7 and 8 Filipino are taking part in this event. It is fun because Filipino are having fun together and there are some people that I talked to for the first time. I love this event because I think this is the most happiest thing I've ever seen in school. But this Filipino Salu - Salo is not just an event, this is also a celebration of Filipino culture. I hope this will happen again, or if it is happen again, I want it to be happier than before.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Narrative Writing - The Kangaroo And The Turtle
So I have finish my narrative writing. I just continued it up so that the story is done. If you want to see the another part of my story you can scroll down and have a look at them. If you don't want to have a look, you can also have a look here.
Explanation Part:
Once upon a time, there are two animals named George the kangaroo and Ralph the turtle. They both
Explanation Part:
Then George can’t handle his temper anymore, and he said, “ Fine! Let’s have a race. The first person who wins, he is going to be the friend of all animals,” Ralph said, “What? Can’t you see that I am a turtle who walks so slow?” George answered back, “ That’s why I’m challenging you. Just meet me at your home at Saturday morning. See ya,” Ralph can’t answer anymore because George ran away. Ralph is so worried, he doesn’t know what to do, he is a slow animal while George is very fast.
Solution Part:
It was Saturday morning, George is getting ready for the tournament. He looks so good in his clothes. He talked to his mirror and said, “ How can poor Ralph can beat me? I am George the Kangaroo, the best animal of all,” While Ralph wears an ordinary clothes and having a warm up for the tournament. He talked to his mirror and said, “ I have nothing to wear. But it doesn’t matter, I just want to win the tournament for my friends,”. Suddenly, Ralph hears a noise coming from the outside of the cave, he was curious about it. It was his friends. They brought some clothes for Ralph to wear. Ralph is so happy then Soni talked to Ralph and said, “ I told them that you are going to have a battle with George, and they brought something for you!” Ralph cried in joy. “ I can’t believe that you guys supports me everytime that I need you. Thank you so much,”. Another noise is coming from the outside of the cave, it was George. Then George went to the cave, “ This place is disgusting! By the way, are you ready poor Ralph?” Ralph said “ Yes I am,” then George said in excitement, “ This guys are going to be my friends sooner. What are you waiting for? Let us go outside!”. Now, they are already at the outside of the cave, then the tournament begins. George is so fast, he can’t be seen anymore, while Ralph is so slow. Then he told himself that he is going to win. Many minutes passes, George almost finish the race, but he is so tired, then he saw a place to rest then he went there for a while to rest then sleep. Hours passes George is still sleeping while Ralph saw George sleeping, then he walks slower so that George can’t hear him. Minutes passes, Ralph won the race, then George woked up, he saw that Ralph won. He can’t accept it but he said something to Ralph while crying, “ Please, accept me as your true friend, I only want to have friends like you!” Then Ralph answered back, “ Its okay, you can be my friend anytime.”. Then Ralph the turtle and George the kangaroo are now friends. They helped each other, they treat each other like a siblings. George totally changed, he is now a friend of many animals and he promised himself to be a good animal forever so that more animals will like him.
Whole Story:
Once upon a time, there are two animals named George the kangaroo and Ralph the turtle. They both
live in a forest but they have their own houses there. George has a house that is made up of stone, while
Ralph lived in a cave. George doesn’t have many friends at all because he is a proud animal, while Ralph
is a friend of many animals because he is kind. Many animals hated George because of his attitude, then George notice something.
George said “ It seems like many animals hated me, “ then he think of it until night. Then he suddenly
saw Ralph walking, and he walked towards to Ralph and said, “ Maybe you are the reason in my problem.
is a friend of many animals because he is kind. Many animals hated George because of his attitude, then George notice something.
Many animals started to hate me because of you,” then Ralph answered back, “ What are you talking about?
I’m not doing anything,”. Then Ralph run away from George.
In the morning, George went to the cave where Ralph live and hid at the grasses. He is investigating
Ralph to see if Ralph is a bad person, but he can’t see Ralph in the cave. Then Ralph suddenly showed up,
Then George can’t handle his temper anymore, and he said, “ Fine! Let’s have a race. The first person
who wins, he is going to be the friend of all animals,” Ralph said, “What? Can’t you see that I am a turtle
he is with a friend. Then Ralph talked to his friend and said “ George is mad at me. He’s always blaming me
at everything, “ Then his friend Soni said, “ Like what? “, “ Like, no one even likes him. He talked to me last
night and blame at me because no one likes him, “ Then George said accidentally, “ NO! It's the truth, you
make me look bad in their eyes! “ Ralph answered back “ Can you hear what are you saying?, It’s your
problem not mine,”.
who walks so slow?” George answered back, “ That’s why I’m challenging you. Just meet me at your home
at Saturday morning. See ya”. Ralph can’t answer anymore because George ran away. Ralph is so worried,
he doesn’t know what to do, he is a slow animal while George is very fast.
It was Saturday morning, George is getting ready for the tournament. He looks so good in his clothes.
He talked to his mirror and said, “ How can poor Ralph can beat me? I am George the Kangaroo, the best
animal of all,” While Ralph wears an ordinary clothes and having a warm up for the tournament. He talked
to his mirror and said, “ I have nothing to wear. But it doesn’t matter, I just want to win the tournament for
my friends,”. Suddenly, Ralph hears a noise coming from the outside of the cave, he was curious about it.
It was his friends. They brought some clothes for Ralph to wear. Ralph is so happy then Soni talked to
Ralph and said, “ I told them that you are going to have a battle with George, and they brought something
for you!” Ralph cried in joy. “ I can’t believe that you guys supports me every time that I need you. Thank
you so much,”. Another noise is coming from the outside of the cave, it was George. Then George went to
the cave, “ This place is disgusting! By the way, are you ready poor Ralph?” Ralph said “ Yes I am,” then
George said in excitement, “ This guys are going to be my friends sooner. What are you waiting for? Let us
go outside!”. Now, they are already at the outside of the cave, then the tournament begins. George is so fast,
he can’t be seen anymore, while Ralph is so slow. Then he told himself that he is going to win. Many
minutes passes, George almost finish the race, but he is so tired, then he saw a place to rest then he went
there for a while to rest then sleep. Hours passes George is still sleeping while Ralph saw George sleeping, then he walks slower so that George can’t hear him. Minutes passes, Ralph won the race, then George woke up, he saw that Ralph won. He can’t accept it but he said something to Ralph while crying, “ Please, accept me as your true friend, I only want to have friends like you!” Then Ralph answered back, “ Its okay, you can be my friend anytime.” Then Ralph the turtle and George the kangaroo are now friends. They helped each other, they treat each
there for a while to rest then sleep. Hours passes George is still sleeping while Ralph saw George sleeping, then he walks slower so that George can’t hear him. Minutes passes, Ralph won the race, then George woke up, he saw that Ralph won. He can’t accept it but he said something to Ralph while crying, “ Please, accept me as your true friend, I only want to have friends like you!” Then Ralph answered back, “ Its okay, you can be my friend anytime.” Then Ralph the turtle and George the kangaroo are now friends. They helped each other, they treat each
other like a siblings. George totally changed, he is now a friend of many animals and he promised himself
to be a good animal forever so that more animals will like him.
to be a good animal forever so that more animals will like him.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Summer Learning Journey
Share a post to share what country you have chosen, the answer to the Google Research Question, two fun facts and why you want to visit it! Remember to add a link to where you got the information form.
Information link
1. The name of the capital city is? - Tokyo
2. The population of the capital city is? - 9 . 273 million
3. In January, the weather in the capital city is usually? - Winter
4. The capital city is located in the Southeastern part of Japan.
5. The language most commonly spoken in the capital city are - Japanese or English
So this blog post is about our Summer Learning Journey. We are about to choose a country and give some information.
Share a post to share what country you have chosen, the answer to the Google Research Question, two fun facts and why you want to visit it! Remember to add a link to where you got the information form.
Information link
1. The name of the capital city is? - Tokyo
2. The population of the capital city is? - 9 . 273 million
3. In January, the weather in the capital city is usually? - Winter
4. The capital city is located in the Southeastern part of Japan.
5. The language most commonly spoken in the capital city are - Japanese or English
So this blog post is about our Summer Learning Journey. We are about to choose a country and give some information.
Monday, 12 November 2018
EOTC Week - ( Marae Visit )
This blog is about Marae Visit, comment some feedbacks to help me improve my work.
Task: Using your prior knowledge and research skills, create a list of expectations and marae
tikanga. Create a DLO to share your information.
Task: Using your prior knowledge and research skills, create a list of expectations and marae
tikanga. Create a DLO to share your information.
If a person that is never been to a marae before a elder in the group, they will often perform a protective karakia of prayer known as waerea. Usually, the group will organise their kaikaranga, their speakers and collect the donation.
When they are welcoming a group, they are responsible for them. They begin the welcome when the group of visitors has assembled. In modern times, a ritual challenge occurs when a particularly important visitor is being welcomed. When the visitors are being welcomed onto the marae, the host people will sometimes welcome them with a haka powhiri.
Before the welcome, you should arrive early. It is considered impolite to walk onto a marae once a powhiri is underway. Then, dress formally for a ceremony of mourning. Introduce yourself to other groups you don’t know. Give your koha to the community leader with the envelope. Ensure cell phones are switched off throughout the powhiri,
During the powhiri, you just not walk onto a marae, you need to be welcomed on. Do not eat or_ drink during the welcome. Do not walk in front of a speaker on the marae ata. Speak in Maori,__ not in english if giving a speech. Male sit at the front on most marae, though some marae allow_ both men and women to sit on the front sit. At the conclusion of the welcome you should harirū_ (and hongi . While on some marae kissing on the cheek is considered appropriate, others prefer_ that men and women just hongi and harirū.
You should wash your hands after the powhiri. In the dining room, manuhiri will be called in for food. It is polite to let the elders go first. Often the person calling people in for food, will say who would come first. Wait until the karakia has been said before eating. Do not pass a food over a__ person’s head in the wharekai. Do not sit on tables.
In the wharenui, remove your shoes before going into the wharenui. Check before you put your_ sleeping bag down. Certain parts of the wharenui are reserved for particular manuhiri and tangata whenua. Do not eat or drink in the wharenui. Do not step over people in the wharenui. Do not sit on pillows. I got this writing from my maori task which I wrote for about some weeks before. Task: Answer the following questions by reading this site Q1: Where did Cath Brown grow up? What roles did she hold? - She grew up at Taumutu. She was a member of the Marae committee and held positions as chair of Te Taumutu Runanga and Upoko. Q2: What type of art did Cath make? How do you know she was successful at it? - She porduce work at Ngati Moki. Her work has been exhibited widely both nationally and intertionally.
Q3: Where is the marae located? What does the land around it look like? - Ngati Moki marae is located at Taumutu. The background roar of the ocean is ever present waves break onto the narrow spit that separates Te Waihora at the sea. Q4: What does mahinga kai mean? What do you think they eat? - It is a food source. I think they eat some eels. Q5: What is Ngati Moki Marae built on? - A hall was built and officially opened on 7 May 1891. Q6: What is the awhitu house? - Awhitu house was the scene of many important gatherings and was to become the residence
When they are welcoming a group, they are responsible for them. They begin the welcome when the group of visitors has assembled. In modern times, a ritual challenge occurs when a particularly important visitor is being welcomed. When the visitors are being welcomed onto the marae, the host people will sometimes welcome them with a haka powhiri.
Before the welcome, you should arrive early. It is considered impolite to walk onto a marae once a powhiri is underway. Then, dress formally for a ceremony of mourning. Introduce yourself to other groups you don’t know. Give your koha to the community leader with the envelope. Ensure cell phones are switched off throughout the powhiri,
During the powhiri, you just not walk onto a marae, you need to be welcomed on. Do not eat or_ drink during the welcome. Do not walk in front of a speaker on the marae ata. Speak in Maori,__ not in english if giving a speech. Male sit at the front on most marae, though some marae allow_ both men and women to sit on the front sit. At the conclusion of the welcome you should harirū_ (and hongi . While on some marae kissing on the cheek is considered appropriate, others prefer_ that men and women just hongi and harirū.
You should wash your hands after the powhiri. In the dining room, manuhiri will be called in for food. It is polite to let the elders go first. Often the person calling people in for food, will say who would come first. Wait until the karakia has been said before eating. Do not pass a food over a__ person’s head in the wharekai. Do not sit on tables.
In the wharenui, remove your shoes before going into the wharenui. Check before you put your_ sleeping bag down. Certain parts of the wharenui are reserved for particular manuhiri and tangata whenua. Do not eat or drink in the wharenui. Do not step over people in the wharenui. Do not sit on pillows. I got this writing from my maori task which I wrote for about some weeks before. Task: Answer the following questions by reading this site Q1: Where did Cath Brown grow up? What roles did she hold? - She grew up at Taumutu. She was a member of the Marae committee and held positions as chair of Te Taumutu Runanga and Upoko. Q2: What type of art did Cath make? How do you know she was successful at it? - She porduce work at Ngati Moki. Her work has been exhibited widely both nationally and intertionally.
Q3: Where is the marae located? What does the land around it look like? - Ngati Moki marae is located at Taumutu. The background roar of the ocean is ever present waves break onto the narrow spit that separates Te Waihora at the sea. Q4: What does mahinga kai mean? What do you think they eat? - It is a food source. I think they eat some eels. Q5: What is Ngati Moki Marae built on? - A hall was built and officially opened on 7 May 1891. Q6: What is the awhitu house? - Awhitu house was the scene of many important gatherings and was to become the residence
Thursday, 8 November 2018
Blogging Helps You Improve Your Learning
Blogging Helps Improve Your Learning
Everyone has somethings to share. Especially, these days are so easy to share around the world by using
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other more things that we use. But blogging seems different from those
apps. What is blogging?
Blogging is a place where you want to share you learning, thoughts and any other things or ideas that you
want to share. We can use blogging to help us improve our learning. For just like, it helps you improve
your english, your spelling, writing more paragraphs and right punctuation marks in your story. It also not
just help you improve your learning, it also gives you courage because you share your ideas around the
world. You will also learn to accept some feedbacks from the other people if they don’t like your work
which improves you more to your learning.
When I first use my own blog, I feel really weird because why do I have to share my ideas to the whole world? At first I am scared because I thought that people would laugh at me. Now I understand, blogging helps me a lot. It helps me improve at anything that I wanted to improve. _______________________________________________________________________________ This is a another piece of persuasive writing. But it's not about comparing it to the objects just like " dogs makes better pets than cats". It is about if you agree that blogging helps you improve your learning or not. Comment some feedbacks to help me improve my writing.
When I first use my own blog, I feel really weird because why do I have to share my ideas to the whole world? At first I am scared because I thought that people would laugh at me. Now I understand, blogging helps me a lot. It helps me improve at anything that I wanted to improve. _______________________________________________________________________________ This is a another piece of persuasive writing. But it's not about comparing it to the objects just like " dogs makes better pets than cats". It is about if you agree that blogging helps you improve your learning or not. Comment some feedbacks to help me improve my writing.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Cybersmart - Best Research
For our today's cybersmart, we are about to share something in our blog about what we have learned today.
Today we are learning about how can you see the best research on google. So our class and 8-TS work also in the same topic at learning commons. It went good but some students are being silly so I can't focus properly.
Q1: What were we working on?
- We are working about finding the best pages to see.
Q2: Why are we working on it?
- We are working on it so we are in the right track every time we go on google.
Q3: What did you learn?- Using the toolbox at the right top of the google. It has many functions.
Q4: How will it help you with your blogging?
- Putting right images in our blog.
Today we are learning about how can you see the best research on google. So our class and 8-TS work also in the same topic at learning commons. It went good but some students are being silly so I can't focus properly.
Q1: What were we working on?
- We are working about finding the best pages to see.
Q2: Why are we working on it?
- We are working on it so we are in the right track every time we go on google.
Q3: What did you learn?- Using the toolbox at the right top of the google. It has many functions.
Q4: How will it help you with your blogging?
- Putting right images in our blog.
So for our today's Maths, we are about to roll a dice and then record each numbers we got. We will need to create a chart in a google drawing.
So we have a character named Shelly and her parents asked her if he would love to have $5 a week in a year or roll a dice in each week.
Option 2: Roll a dice
Dice numbers:
1 - $1
2 - $2
3 - $4
4 - $5
5 - $7
6 - $10
So this are the numbers that we got. I worked with a partner to do this chart.

Question: Base on your experiment, what advice would you give to Shelley? How are you sure your advice is good?
- I think rolling a dice is better than receiving $5 a week. Because if we use probability, we are not sure what will we get, so rolling is better because for example, if you get number 6 you would have $10 which is double up by $5.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Persuasive Writing - Dogs Makes Better Pets Than Cats
So for today's blog, we are about to write about persuasive writing. Which is about dogs and cats. So this is just a review about our writing so that we can get ready for our upcoming assessments.
Dogs Makes Better Pets Than Cats
All over the world, people has a favourite animal. But, do you think that cats and dogs are the most favourite animal all of the time? People argue about this one, they said cats are better than dogs and other said that dogs are better than cats. So I'm going to persuade you that dogs make better pets than cats.
First of all, dogs can help you a lot in your daily living. For just like, dogs are the man's best friend, they help you change your bad mood into good mood whenever you came from work or school. They also helps you guard your house from bad people trying to steal something, because dogs have better sense of smelling than people. But dogs are expensive, they cost a lot of items to buy. It doesn't even matter if dogs are expensive because you're spending your money in such a important thing, in short it is worth it to buy dogs.
Second of all, cats doesn't even helps you a lot. For just like cats eat rats and they make big mess every night. They go out to your neighbours and trying to find a food in the bin which makes the cat stinky and dirty. That also makes you lock up your cat in your house every night which makes you feel sad that you can't make your cat free. Unlike dogs, dogs are very friendly to everyone and doesn't need to lock up every night because they doesn't go to your neighbours every night.
Last, dogs are unforgettable animals. You make memories with them which makes you laugh and cry. But remember, even though dogs are genius, you need to make time with them because they also have a feeling that are the same as people. Because I also have a dog sometimes which makes me also feel this way.
First of all, dogs can help you a lot in your daily living. For just like, dogs are the man's best friend, they help you change your bad mood into good mood whenever you came from work or school. They also helps you guard your house from bad people trying to steal something, because dogs have better sense of smelling than people. But dogs are expensive, they cost a lot of items to buy. It doesn't even matter if dogs are expensive because you're spending your money in such a important thing, in short it is worth it to buy dogs.
Second of all, cats doesn't even helps you a lot. For just like cats eat rats and they make big mess every night. They go out to your neighbours and trying to find a food in the bin which makes the cat stinky and dirty. That also makes you lock up your cat in your house every night which makes you feel sad that you can't make your cat free. Unlike dogs, dogs are very friendly to everyone and doesn't need to lock up every night because they doesn't go to your neighbours every night.
Last, dogs are unforgettable animals. You make memories with them which makes you laugh and cry. But remember, even though dogs are genius, you need to make time with them because they also have a feeling that are the same as people. Because I also have a dog sometimes which makes me also feel this way.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
EOTC Week ( Water Activities )
For my today's blog, I am about to share some of our activities in EOTC week which will happen next week at Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. This is not the only work that I need do, there's still some other activities task that I need to do.
So this post is about some water activities that will happen at Thursday. I chose this work because I think it's exciting. Then in our Kete, we are about to share some information about the topic we chose to write. So this is my blog post. Comment some feedbacks to help me improve my work.
Task: Give 5 tips on how we can stay safe when we are doing water activities.

( I used Piktochart to create my poster. )
Questions: What are you hoping to experience?
- I hoping to enjoy this week.
Questions: Is there anything that you are nervous for?
- Nothing really. Because there are some teachers that will guide us in our activities.
Question: What do you think you will enjoy the most?
- I think travelling with my friends .
So this post is about some water activities that will happen at Thursday. I chose this work because I think it's exciting. Then in our Kete, we are about to share some information about the topic we chose to write. So this is my blog post. Comment some feedbacks to help me improve my work.
Task: Give 5 tips on how we can stay safe when we are doing water activities.

( I used Piktochart to create my poster. )
Questions: What are you hoping to experience?
- I hoping to enjoy this week.
Questions: Is there anything that you are nervous for?
- Nothing really. Because there are some teachers that will guide us in our activities.
Question: What do you think you will enjoy the most?
- I think travelling with my friends .
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