
Tuesday, 8 December 2020


In health, we are learning about diseases. For this, me and my partner chose asthma for our assessment. For our assessment, we have to make a presentation or activities we want to do to show our research about asthma. We did a poster and a lung drawing for our presentation in digital because it will look better than paper art. This task was quite hard when we wrote the letters in our poster because it is hard to edit the text. But what I liked about our poster is that the lungs looks good and the colours is soothing. I think, what I need to improve on next time is try to make our poster more accurate and prettier.  

Santa Claus History

 For social studies, we're studying about santa claus's history. We have to make a blog post about things we learned about him.

1. Santa was originated from saint Nicholas.

2. Santa's clothes were green before, not red.

3. Saint Nicholas day is celebrated in December 6.

Thursday, 3 December 2020

Unfair Trade - Chocolate Industry: Haurora

For ESOL, we're learning about chocolate industry. As we explore deeper in our topic, we found out that chocolate's are made from cocoas. But cocoas are grown by children and they get trafficked. This applies to many different industries too, not just chocolate. Children are getting trafficked but the problem is that it haven't been solved for a long time. Many chocolate factories use children in cacao plantations. So are task is how trafficked children lives in cacao plantation affect their wellbeing.