
Friday, 30 August 2019


Q1:  What are the key parts of a microscope?
         - Eye piece lens
         - Objective lens
         - Neck
         - Stage clip
         - Course focus knob
         - Fine focus know
         - Stage
         - Light source
         - Switch
         - Base
Image result for microscope labeled

Q2:  How did you set up your microscope and microscope slide?

How to set up a microscope
         1. Get a microscope
         2. Get a flashlight
         3. Open the flashlight and place it in the front of the concave mirror.
         4. Put your slide on the microscope.

How to set up a microscope slide
         1. Place the specimen in the middle of a clean slide.
         2. Add 2-3 drops of the stain solution.
         3. Holding a coverslip by its edges in your left hand, manoeuvre it so that the bottom edge of the 
             coverslip makes contact with both the slide and the edge of the stain solution.
         4. Gently lower the coverslip with the tweezers, ensuring that no air bubbles are trapped under the
         5. Place your slide on the microscope stage and examine it under low-power magnification.

Q3: What did you observe down the microscope?
         - I saw that you need to be in a dark place in order to use the microscope because you won't be 
           able to see the cells if there's a light outside, but you need a flashlight to the concave mirror so 
           that there's light to see the cells.

Q4: What are key similarities and differences between plants and animal cell?
         - I didn't saw the animal cell because the slide that we did didn't work, but we are able to see
the plant cells. I noticed that the plant cell doesn't have many cells at all, but the

*Tell me about something that was discovered using a microscope.
         - We saw something that we can't see using our eyes only, but you can see somethings that you
            can't see in our eyes by using microscope
* Tell me about different types of microscope.

Image result for different types of microscopes

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

The Digestive Process

                                                   The 5 Main Parts of the Digestive System


Oesophagus (food pipe or gullet) is one of the main parts of the digestive system. It is one of the upper parts of the digestive system. Oesophagus is connected to the mouth to your stomach. When you ate something, the food goes through your food pipe to stomach. Adults food pipe are about 25 centimetres long or 9 - 10 inches.

Image result for oesophagus


The oesophagus leads to the stomach. The stomach is an elastic bag which can hold up to 2 - 4 litres. When carbohydrates are at the stomach, they're starting to turn into simple sugars by the enzyme amylase. Other nutrients remain undigested. The benefits of having a stomach that it's able to expand because a large amount of food is able to be consumed before competitors arrive. Protein turns into amino acids as the breakdown o0of nutrients happens in the stomach. Contractions of the muscles in the wall of stomach aid is being digested by assisting with mechanical digestion by mixing the food with gastric juices thereby by speeding up digestion.

Image result for stomach

Small Intestine

The small intestine lies between the stomach and the large intestine. It is the small intestine where absorption of nutrients takes place. The small intestine has three distinct regions – the duodenumjejunum, and ileum. The duodenum, the shortest, is where preparation for absorption through small finger-like protrusions called villi begins.The jejunum is specialised for the absorption through its lining by enterocytes. Small nutrient particles which have been previously digested by enzymes in the duodenum. The main function of the ileum is to absorb vitaminbile salts, and whatever products of digestion were not absorbed by the jejunum.
Image result for small intestine

Large Intestine

The large intestine, also known as the large bowel, is the last part of the gastrointestinal tract and of the digestive system in vertebratesWater is absorbed here and the remaining waste material is stored as feces before being removed by defecationIn humans, the large intestine begins in the right iliac region of the pelvis, just at or below the waist, where it is joined to the end of the small intestine at the cecum, via the ileocecal valve. It then continues as the colon ascending the abdomen, across the width of the abdominal cavity as the transverse colon, and then descending to the rectum and its endpoint at the anal canal.[8] Overall, in humans, the large intestine is about 1.5 metres (5 ft) long, which is about one-fifth of the whole length of the gastrointestinal tract.

Image result for large intestine


The liver is an organ only found in vertebrates which remove toxic various metabolitessynthesizes proteins and produces biochemicals necessary for digestionIn humans, it is located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, below the diaphragm. Its other roles in metabolism include the regulation of glycogen storage, decomposition of red blood cells and the production of hormones. The liver is an accessory digestive organ that produces bile, an alkaline compound which helps the breakdown of fat. Bile aids in digestion via the emulsification of lipids.

Image result for liver

Human Body - Digestive Process

Image result for oesophagus

Wednesday, 7 August 2019



What is an Adjective?
- Adjective are describing words to describe nouns in a sentence.
- Syntax can help you to change your sentence but has the same meaning

Syntax - the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences

How is it used in a sentence?
- There's a big house over there.
  the word big describes the house
  you can also make another sentence in this sentence by using syntax.


                                                                       Charlotte Web

     Friendship is an important thing that's been used to the book called 'Charlotte's Web'. There are 4 main characters in the book which are Charlotte, Wilbur, Templeton and Fern. Each of the main characters shows what friendship means, like supporting each other no matter how hard the situation is. The three main characters are animals which is Charlotte (spider), Wilbur (pig), and Templeton (rat) but Fern is a human who take cares of Wilbur.

     Fern shows friendship to Wilbur by taking care of him when he is still alone, but Wilbur was sent in the barn and Fern also visit him sometimes. But Zuckerman, wants to kill Wilbur, but the pig don't want to die.Until Wilbur met Charlotte, but Wilbur got scared when he saw that Charlotte ate the flies. Wilbur feel lonely at the barn because he don't have any friends there, but Charlotte welcome him by saying 'salutations' but Wilbur taught Charlotte don't want to be friends with him. But Charlotte said to Wilbur if he wants to be friends with him, and then Charlotte and Wilbur are now friends. Then Templeton doesn't talk to Wilbur at all because he only cares about foods and then sleep. Wilbur and Templeton didn't became friends at all. Then one day, Charlotte wrote 'some pig', 'terrific', 'radiant', and 'humble' which makes Wilbur famous, and make Zuckerman regret his decision and makes Wilbur join the fare. Templeton, helps Charlotte and Wilbur to find some words, but Templeton make a deal, he will help them to find some words but Charlotte need to give Templeton a food, and that's how Templeton helps the two animals in the barn.

     Then, when they are at the barn Charlotte wrote the last word for Wilbur and died there because she lays her eggs. But Wilbur is a friend to Charlotte and he takes care at Charlotte's egg as he promised her. Charlotte shows her friendship by making some words for Wilbur in order for him not to die, and Wilbur shows his friendship to Charlotte by taking care of Charlotte's babies. Templeton help Charlotte and Wilbur by finding some words for them. Fern shows her friendship to Wilbur by taking care of him. Each of the main characters show what friendship means, by helping each other no matter what happens. Each of them is a true friend to each other.